Interactive Voice Response (IVR)

Call us on our
022 25753200/022 25753500
Local: (prefix area code) 022 33054600

Registered Mobile/Landline number call flow
  1. Call 022 25753200 / 022 25753500 / 022 33054600

  2. Automatic identification by the IVR

  3. Call gets transferred to an Agent

“Welcome to Sharekhan Mr./Ms. Sharma.
How may I assist you?”

Phone ID and T-Pin call flow
  1. Call 022 25753200 / 022 25753500 / 022 33054600

  2. Select Option 2 to talk to an Agent

  3. Select Option to enter Phone ID and T-Pin

  4. Enter Phone ID and T-Pin

  5. Identification by the IVR

  6. Call gets transferred to an Agent

“Welcome to Sharekhan Mr./Ms. Sharma.
How may I assist you?”