List of new features in version
  • Order form – Margin display in the order form for Cash & FnO. View Demo
  • Marketwatch – Inclusion of Sector column. View Demo
  • Chart – Tools – Free hand drawing / marking.View Demo
  • Stock Scanner - Inclusion of Ichimoku indicator. View Demo
  • Heat Map - Net Rupee change to be displayed. View Demo
  • Turnover - Volume Ranking for all the Relationship Managers.

List of Enhancements in version
  • DOCF - Expiry to be incorporated along with moneyness filter (ATM, ITM & OTM). View Demo
  • Chart - RSI indicator – a series of 50 to be added between 70 and 30.
  • Reports – provision to display market depth on right click.
  • Reports – provision to set price alert on right click.
  • Chart - provision to wrap text on chart.
  • Chart - Retain Last Viewed Time Frame in Chart.
  • Optimization - Chart loading and scrip master downloading optimization.

NOTE : Click here to view the version note of