The reconstruction scheme of Yes Bank, which was announced late evening on March 13, 2020, with an implementation date of March 16, 2020.

The scheme basically restricted existing shareholders to sell only up to 25% of their Yes Bank holdings as on March 13, 2020. The balance was to be locked for a period of three years.

Note the following points:

The portfolio will display all your holdings. For more details, tap here
Your capital gains report for Yes Bank may not be accurate since, due to the reconstruction scheme, 75% of your shares will be in lock-in period of 3 years. Since the profit and loss in capital will be calculated on the basis of FIFO, we recommend you to take the help of a tax consultant.
For the purpose of determining the ratio and deciding quantity of shares to be locked-in or released, rounding-off has been done in case the ratios give fractional quantity of shares.
Note that we are constantly in touch with regulators through our association of brokers to allow us to release these shares to actual owners/shareholders.
Exchanges have issued a circular where they have allowed us to upload the old and new ISIN (locked) details to Exchange.
In the initial phase, a onetime window will be provided to us by the Depositories wherein we can transfer the suspended Yes Bank shares (under old ISIN) from our accounts to the respective client's BO account. A separate communication to this effect shall also be made by the Depositories. Subsequently we will be allowed to transfer the shares lying in the new ISIN based on the communication from the depositories.