Trading API FAQs

Trading API FAQs

You can place Intraday and Delivery orders via the Sharekhan API. Worry not, other orders can be placed as well, subject to availability as per Segments, Exchanges and internal Risk policies.

Yes, Sharekhan API is available for all active Sharekhan customers.

Sharekhan API is available for FREE. You don’t need to pay any additional charges or subscription fee for using API.

After signing up successfully, you will receive the API Key and Secure Key, which are required to access the API.

Once you place the request for API Key creation, you will be able to use the API immediately.

After successful API Key generation, you will get API Key and Secure Key, which you can use in your applications.

You will be charged as per your existing brokerage rates. No additional charges are applicable for using API.

Yes! We offer Rest APIs that can be used in many languages. Currently, we offer API for the following languages: Python SDK Java SDK JavaScript SDK Go SDK NET SDK R SDK PHP SDK

Yes! You can access multiple languages for faster API integration. You can also refer to: Our Documentation

Yes! You will be able to generate trading sessions using API and perform the following tasks: Place new orders Modify orders Cancel orders Square-off orders Square-off all orders Cancel all orders You can place orders in products like normal/investment, BigTrade, Big Trade+, EMF, Trailing Stop Loss for Equities and investment and BigTrade+ in Derivatives. Many other orders are available as well. Visit the detailed Documentation to know more.

You will be able to place XX orders per second.

Yes, API does provide historical data for segments such as NSE / BSE Equity & NSE Futures, NSE Currency and MCX Commodity. It also provides continuous data for F&O segment on contracts.

Yes, you can stream LIVE prices for all segments with Sharekhan API.

Yes, API does provide EOD scrip wise data since inception. Intraday data for last 7 days is available as well.

With the API, you can place Intraday and Delivery orders for now. But you can place other orders as well subject to availability for each segment, as per Exchange and Internal Risk policies.

To check the positions, select Net Positions and then click Orders API.

No, the historical data available through API is not adjusted as per Corporate Actions.

Yes, you can access data on Open Interest and MarketDepth through the Sharekhan API.

A user can subscribe to a maximum of 1000 symbols in a single connection.