SIP Calculators can help those looking to invest in the equity markets to calculate how much their investments are likely to appreciate to for a customizable rate of interest across a range of years. Some mutual fund calculators also allow you to calculate inflation-adjusted returns. Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) are one of the ways to invest in mutual funds invest in mutual funds the other method is via lump sum invesments. Lumpsum calculators can help you approximately determine the returns in absolute Rupees you are likely to earn from your investments.
ELSS Calculator, a type of SIP Calculator, is a tool that you can use to calculate your likely returns from investments that are compliant with Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. Financial Goal Calculators reverse-engineer the cost of your life's milestones (like a dream home, car, foreign vacation or your child's marriage) and by factoring in the time left, tell you how much you need to invest to achieve the goal. These mutual fund SIP calculators are not designed to be exact, but can give potential investors a good estimate of their mutual fund investments.